The Eyes Eat First, So Make Sh*t Look Appetizing!

Ever smell food before you see it and think to yourself, “Oh yeah! It’s time to get busy,” only to finally find that the dish is dull, boring and tired looking.  Kind of a let down isn’t it? The food smells palatable, good even, but it’s kind of like sitting down to a bowl of farina or cream of wheat (no insult to either).  

If the Dog Digs It…

Lots of people think that just getting something on a plate is the end game.  Well yeah, it is… but it isn’t. I’m not drawing a parallel but, I watch how my dog bears down on his bowl and while I’m not entirely sure, I don’t think he has ever been resentful that his bowl wasn’t garnished with sprig of parsley. Nor was it placed on a lovely place mat that matches the tile on the floor. But, we’re not dogs and we eat with our eyes as much or before we ever pick up a spoon or fork. 

Plating and presentation is everything. It elevates your perception of what you’re about to put into your body. Appetizing looking plated meals are far more likely to bring some excitement to your meal, rather than finding yourself hunched over hot pot on a stove or eating at the coffee table. Which if we’re honest about it, is really sad.

Celebrate Eating!

I have some family members and friends that have an aversion to pretension. For them to consider sitting down to enjoy a well presented plate of food that is akin to being a “fancy ass”. I see it as rewarding yourself for creating a stellar meal.  And for crying out loud, you should celebrate all your hard work in the kitchen! A little garnish here, a pretty plate there (one that you can’t cut up with scissors for your kid’s school project). A pretty napkin, maybe? It’s not so much pretentious as it is more a celebration of food and you! Your dish is dull, boring and tired looking? Not any more!

You don’t have to get all Downton Abby on people. And, it doesn’t have to be a daily thing, that’s way too extra. It’s about treating yourself and your family a little special every now and then.  Because if you don’t who will?

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  1. Nett January 28, 2020 at 1:29 pm

    While I appreciate presentation when on the receiving end of a meal….Im not that patient on the prep side of things. Kudos to those who have and can take the time to present food porn. It aint me.

    1. loretta.humphreycruz February 6, 2020 at 5:44 pm

      I get it. I do like a pretty plate of food though 🙂

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