About Me

Hi, I’m Loretta Humphrey-Cruz! Retta, is my nickname since I was a baby. I absolutely love to cook especially soul food, the food I grew up on , but I also love experimenting with new dishes. I am not a professionally trained chef. I like to say I’m a professional home cook that learned from my mom, Ms. Humphrey and my Aunt Josephine or Joe, who you will see referenced throughout my posts often. They were my teachers and have always been my inspiration, my muses, so to speak. I also bake and cook for others when I have time.

And as you’ll see, I love cocktails! The experimentation is so much fun! The possibilities are endless for fun and unique cocktails. I think they’re kind of reminiscent of the days where friends got together, in person, to eat and drink at each others homes engendering a sense of community.

I also love to write and have been published in one of our local papers over the years.. And although I’m not brand new to blogging, I’ve been away from it for so long, for all practical purposes it feels brand new. The blogging landscape is a little different these days but, it is even more exciting.

I also love creating wonderfully unique tablescapes as a creative outlet. I do plan to include some in posts on this in the future.

Join me and have a little fun trying some new recipes or revisiting some you might have grown up with, too. It’s gonna be a wonderful gastronomic experience.

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